Talenom as an investment > Strategy
We updated our strategy in late 2024 to accelerate growth and make it more scalable. Our key competitive advantage is to make the daily life of an entrepreneur as easy as possible, automate accounting routines, and our conceptualized operating model that takes care of our customers. We still believe in these. We want to focus on our strengths and also build our future on them.
We are separating our software business into its own company, and start offering our software to other accounting firms and their customers.
We are focusing on our core competencies by transferring all non-accounting services and products like debt collection, banking and financial services to our partners.
Legislation and market trends are driving digitalization (PSD2, e-invoicing, e-receipts, EU Green Transition).
Customer behavior is
changing towards digital
Digitalization is happening now: choices between platforms are being made and the barrier to switch is proven to be high.
Our foundation is to consider the entire value chain. Our core competencies stem from understanding the needs of both entrepreneurs and accountants.
Ease, automation and care will continue to be the foundation of our business. We are focusing on our core competencies by transferring all non-accounting services and products like debt collection, banking and financial services to our partners.
Our goal is to enable scalable growth. The separation of our software business will accelerate scalable growth and enables us to fully utilize the potential of the Talenom software platform. The objective is to enable and create new sales channels in addition to the Talenom service network. The strength of Talenom's software is based on understanding the entire value chain from both the end user and the provider's perspective, with over two decades of experience. The software has been developed on top of efficient processes, as evidenced by Talenom’s excellent profitability in Finland.
Increasing regulatory pressures, the Green Transition and changing consumer behaviour are creating new needs for financial management and accounting services in Europe. Over the past five years, we have taken steps to internationalize. We plan to continue both organic and inorganic growth and expansion in our international operations in Sweden, Spain and Italy.